Saturday, September 9, 2017

A quick primer on thriving...........

"Do not spend your resources surrounding yourself with comfort and things – surround yourself with opportunity and purpose."

-Steven Novella, as he concludes this blog post

Speaking of making music.................

Robin Williams and Bobby McFerrin and George Martin

On getting a degree in Musicology............

For music lovers everywhere:  Kurt Harden has embarked on his "Record Year" project.  It is a amazingly generous gift. Tune in, follow along, expand your horizons, enjoy!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

I'm hoping to be part of the other 25%...................

     The U. S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports that millennials are the largest age group in the workforce and will comprise approximately 75% of the workforce by 2030.
     The millennial mindset differs from their predecessors in several ways.  First, today's millennials place a greater value on a company's culture and demand creative environments to support them in their personal and professional growth.  Second, they are more entrepreneurial in spirit and constantly seek new opportunities for growth.

-Adam Robinson, as culled from here

Sure hope that last sentence is true.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The truth of...........................

.........................................“We don’t know yet.”

Scott Adams tackles hurricanes and climate change.

I beg to differ.......................

“Philosophers get attention only when they appear to be doing something sinister--corrupting the youth, undermining the foundations of civilization, sneering at all we hold dear. The rest of the time everybody assumes that they are hard at work somewhere down in the sub-basement, keeping those foundations in good repair. Nobody much cares what brand of intellectual duct tape is being used.” 

-Richard Rorty

Recently stumbled across Rorty's Achieving Our Country.   I am willing to admit that I don't get out much and had not heard of Rorty.  A quick check of  Rorty's Goodreads quotes makes me think I will not be acquiring his books.  Still, it doesn't hurt to read what's on the other guy's mind.

Humbling, but true...............

"We are mere participants in natural cycles, not the kings of them."

-Jim Harrison, from his five rules for a zesty life

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Fifty years ago.................................

The Everly Brothers..............................................A Voice Within

Ponder on this one for a while..........

“To seek 'causes' of poverty in this way is to enter an intellectual dead end because poverty has no causes. Only prosperity has causes.” 

-Jane Jacobs, The Death And Life Of Great American Cities

On government-centricism..................

     Last week, the Congress of the United States, this time under Republicans - not that you can tell the difference - passed a health care bill that no one had read, was not scored by the Congressional Budget Office, and was debated for a grand total of three hours.  This is what you get when you live in a society that is increasingly government-centric.  I was going to bring you the Senate immigration bill from 2008, but it's too heavy - 1,197 pages.   It has to be big because the senators know everything.
    They know for example -it's in the bill - that the proper 2016 hourly wage of an immigrant animal sorter is $8.94, 20 cents more than the proper wage, according to the United States Senate, of an immigrant nursery worker.  They don't need markets to tell them - they just know these things.  The immigration bill, by the way, said that Nevada is a border state.  If you believe your lying eyes, it tells you that the southern tip of Nevada is 164 miles north of the border.  But, because Harry Reid of the great state of Nevada was the majority leader, and he wanted Nevada to be eligible for some of the 20 billion  more dollars in border pork, they just declared it a border state.
     The danger is that the more we interfere with the voluntary, spontaneous order of a free society, and a free world order, the more we consign ourselves to slow growth.  And the more we consign ourselves to slow growth, the more we consign ourselves to serious consequences.

- George Will, as culled from this July, 2017 speech

Monday, September 4, 2017

Fifty years ago..............................

Chuck Berry..................................................Bring Another Drink



...........................and not being able to has caused us some stress over the past 35 years.


.................(although I might have swapped "partly" for "mostly")

"for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts"

-as liberated from this post at David Kanigan's wondrous blog

Sunday, September 3, 2017


“He has his wish, whose wish can be to have what is enough.” 


cartoon via

Fifty years ago.......................

Tim Buckley...................................................Goodbye and Hello



The primary virtue is: hold your tongue; who knows how to keep quiet is close to God.