Saturday, September 23, 2017

Catching up with some older issues..........

............of The Economist, I learned that Dick Gregory passed from the scene last month. Gregory was a pioneer in the stand-up comedy world, and a very funny man. Mostly, however, I remember his passion for protest and political activism, and his hunger strikes.   More here.


Some fancy real estate alright..............

if health insurance cartoons are your thing, visit here today.

for a brief discussion of alright versus all right, go here

Friday, September 22, 2017


My Sweetie and I ventured down to the wondrous Midland Theatre to share the evening with Bruce Hornsby and his piano.  A fun night with a full house.   Hornsby's talent is immense.  If you get the chance, go.


Don't be afraid........................

Denzel Washington..........................Aspire To Make A Difference



On destroying the global economy.....................

.....................................He makes it sound both easy and scary.  The veneer of civilization has never been thinner.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Implementation intentions.......

     While positive self-talk and optimism can definitely help us not quit, by themselves they don't guarantee we'll achieve our goals.  Now, dreaming isn't inherently bad - but it's just the first step.  Next comes facing that awful buzzkill called "reality" and its ever-present obstacles.
      After you dream, think, What's getting in the way of my fantasy?   And what will I do to overcome that?  The fancy psych term is "implementation intentions."  You and I call it "a plan."

-Eric Barker,  Barking Up The Wrong Tree:  The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong



Here is something you won't read everywhere......

Here is a simple fact about the world today:

      • climate change is doing more good than harm.

Here is another fact:

      • climate change policy is doing more harm than good.

-Matt Ridley, as culled from here

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

If anyone can handle it....................................

.......................................................................he can.

Not to worry.............................

A paradox: Become too efficient and you become less effective

-Nicholas Bate

The glory of living.....................................

.............................................without air conditioning.  A wee excerpt:

There are positive aspects of going without. Fewer house guests. More dinner invitations. That humble-bragging business. Showers. I can’t tell you how rewarding showers feel. And ice cream tastes way better.

Air conditioning made Americans greedy and silly. Once the country got hooked on central air, strange things materialized: windows that don’t open, the office sweater in August, summer colds, Las Vegas, football in Phoenix.

This should be doable...................

“Don’t be a perfectionist, because perfectionists often spend too much time on little differences at the margins at the expense of other big, important things.  Be an effective imperfectionist.”

-Ray Dalio,  from this post

For the love of history..................

“History does in a vague way repeat itself, but it does it slowly and ponderously, and with an infinite number of surprising variations."

-Fred Schwed


"Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.  Day by day, and at the end of the day - if you live long enough - like most people, you will get out of life what you deserve."

-Charlie Munger