Saturday, June 30, 2018

Fifty years ago..........................

Gene Pitney....................................................She's A Heartbreaker


The best way to get a bigger piece of the pie... to help make the pie bigger.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Fifty years ago.....................

Isley Brothers......Take Me In Your Arms (Rock Me A Little While)

What good parenting is all about:

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Fifty years ago..............................

Gary Lewis & the Playboys.........................Sealed With A Kiss


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Feels like it's time for another Creamsicle.....

The science of nutrition is maddening. There truly is no consensus. Show me any study on diet and I’ll show you a counter-study.

-Ben Casnocha, as lifted from this cleansing exercise

Meaning through caring.................

"I understand that people want there to be meaning in their lives. But you don’t necessarily need altered states of consciousness to find meaning. You can find meaning from caring – about family, friends, art, science, sports, philosophy, religion, politics, nature, you name it. My guess is that the more you care about what you are close to, like your family, and the less you try to derive meaning from caring about distant phenomena, like celebrities or politics, the better off all of us are.

-Arnold Kling, as extracted from here

Life Its Ownself............................

7. Risk can change shape or form but it never really goes away.

-Ben Carlson, culled from this list of 36 Obvious Investment Truths

Fifty years ago.............................

Percy Sledge......................................It's All Wrong But It's Alright


Monday, June 25, 2018

own heart......................................

The world faces many challenges.  Some are political, others are social.  Some are economic, others are environmental.  In all cases, humanity suffers.  But the world's problems are very simple.  They are the lack of love between human beings, the lack of compassion, of tolerance, of humility, and of acceptance.  They are the arrogance, hatred, and violence that have polluted human hearts.  They are prejudice and intolerance.  If a person has no peace in their heart, there can be no peace around them.  Such a person will always find reasons to argue and fight.  Only when a person's own heart is peaceful can their interactions be peaceful.
     How to solve the problem of hatred?  Is there any political solution?  Can love and acceptance be legislated and enforced?  Can any law change the human heart?  The heart only changes when it decides to change.  And that is a personal choice that every person must make for themselves.  We cannot enforce it upon them.  We can only inspire them and offer them the tools.
     Therefore, rather than trying to transform others, let us devote ourselves to our own transformation.  As for others, let us be nondemanding of them.  Let us be content to love them as they are, to accept them as they are, and to be ever ready to serve them as we would the members of our own family.  This is the humanity that the world sorely needs.

-Kamlesh D. Patel,  The Heartfulness Way:  Heart-Based Meditations for Spiritual Transformation

Sunday, June 24, 2018

It's a civility kind of day............

First, Kurt starts out with this.

Then Althouse follows with this:

This is why I have the tag "civility bullshit." It stand for my hypothesis that people only push the civility issue against their antagonists and that they will put other values above civility when the time comes for anyone to demand that their side practice civility.

Fifty years ago.............................

The Chambers Brothers..................................I Wish It Would Rain