Saturday, July 28, 2018

Fifty years ago...........................

Jerry Butler...…………….……………...Hey, Western Union Man

Friday, July 27, 2018

Fifty years ago

American Bandstand on the TV.........................Them were the days


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Fifty years ago............................

Fleetwood Mac...…………………………………….....Albatross

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Y'all are invited..............................


Please come to our "EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR"

WHEN:   August 3, 2018

WHERE:   The Old School,  112 West Main Street, Newark, Ohio

TIME:    4:30 to 8:30ish

Happy Hour with food to munch on

Please RSVP to 740-404-3446 (text or call)

We hope you can make it! We look forward to seeing you.

Michele and Steve Layman

Heads up:  The renovation will not be 100% complete.   Come anyway.

Fifty years ago........................

Laura Nyro…………………………………...…...Eli's Coming

Monday, July 23, 2018

Or, said another way...............

............................"my garden doesn't weed itself."

According to the chemist, Peter Atkins, “The ultimate purpose of life, mind and human striving: to deploy energy and knowledge to fight back the tide of entropy and carve out refuges of beneficial order.”'

-from this Tony Isola blog post

Highly recommended...............

As murder mysteries go, this is a really good one.   The protagonist is police commissario Guido Brunetti, but the city of Venice itself may be the hero.  This is the first of a series.   Her second effort has moved to the head of the queue. 

Opening paragraphs.................

The third gong, announcing that the Opera was about to continue, sounded discreetly through the lobbies and bars of Teatro La Fenice.  In response, the audience stabbed out cigarettes, finished drinks and conversations, and started to filter back into the theater.  The hall, brightly lit between acts, hummed with the talk of those returning to their seats.  Here a jewel flashed, there a mink cape was adjusted over a naked shoulder or an infinitesimal speck of dust was flicked from a satin lapel.  The upper galleries filled up first, followed by the orchestra seats and then the three rows of boxes.

-Donna Leon,  Death At La Fenice

Fifty years ago............................

Jeff Beck...…………………………………...Shapes Of Things

Fifty years ago..............................

The Zombies...………………...………………………Changes