Friday, April 9, 2021

it has worked out............................

Joe Tex...................................................................Skinny Legs


As Joe Tex, one the most extroverted philosophers I have ever met, cheerfully declared, "I've enjoyed this life.  I was glad that I was able to come up out of creation and look all around and see a little bit, grass and trees and cars, fish and steaks, potatoes.  Everywhere I've gone, I can always go back, and I can always find a friend.  I don't go trying to make somebody like me, I just be me, you know, and it has worked out."


      There is a subtle art to not giving a fuck.  And though the concept may sound ridiculous and I may sound like an asshole, what I'm talking about here is essentially learning how to focus and prioritize your thoughts effectively—how to pick and choose what matters to you and what does not matter to you based on finely honed personal values.  This is incredibly difficult.  It takes a lifetime of practice and discipline to achieve.  And you will regularly fail.  But it is perhaps the most worthy struggle one can undertake in one's life.  It is perhaps the only struggle in one's life.

-Mark Manson, The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*uck:  A Counterintuitive Approach To Living A Good Life

a notion...........................

       There is a notion that creative people are absentminded, reckless, heedless of social customs and obligations.  It is, hopefully, true.

-Mary Oliver

The one unbreakable law.......................

 If you find yourself saying ' __________ is always good' or '_________ is always bad', you may be a member of an idea cult.  Appreciating complexity reminds us that no behavior is always effective and that all cures have unintended consequences.

-Adam Grant,  Think Again

Opening paragraphs............................

 The central premise of this book is that impossible has a formula.  Whenever we see the impossible become possible, we are witnessing the end result of a quartet of skills—motivation, learning, creativity, and flow—expertly applies and significantly amplified.

-Steven Kotler,  The Art Of Impossible