Thursday, August 20, 2015

Scent discrimination.................................

.................or, I knew something smelled funny around here.

In a 2001 study published in The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, researchers discovered that what we categorize as “Old People Smell” is likely due to one chemical compound: 2-noneral.
For their study, the scientists gathered a control group of 22 healthy individuals -- 13 males, and 9 females -- ranging in age from 26 to 75 years old. Each person bathed with odorless soap and shampoo, and was then given a T-shirt to wear (washed and prepared in such a way that no odor was detectable) for three consecutive nights. At the end of this period, swatches of the shirts were cut out examined for various chemical compounds and lipids.
Here’s what they found (the first column represents subjects under the age of 40, and the second, subjects over the age of 40)::
Science is a wonder.  Did you know that The Journal of Investigative Dermatology existed?  Me neither, but I am pleased they are on the case.  If you want to know what they found, do read the full article.

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