Saturday, August 17, 2024



If anything, the Democrats synchronized swimming of the past month could only occur in a party largely uniform in its core constituencies and essential beliefs. They shift positions and allegiances through technology and media controlusing influencers to hide troublesome past positions with a dexterity that a Communist vozdh like Joseph Stalin would have appreciated.

-Joel Kotkin, from "What Happened to My Party?"

Fifty years ago..........................

Jim Croce.....................................I Got A Name

 Purists will point out that this album was released in December of 1973. In the real world, Croce's music was all over the radio and the charts in 1974. One of the highlights of the summer of my sophomore year in college was seeing Croce perform up-close-and-personal in a venue that held 250 people. A great presence.  His death in 1973 was a tragedy. More thoughts on Croce here.


A good guide.......................



The basic...................................



Friday, August 16, 2024

The problem with...............................


...................................binary choices.

On ecological...................................


.................................balancing acts.

Every day...............................


....................should be Thanksgiving Day.

dark ages.............


Consult history. You’ll find, without exception, that when government uses price controls to push prices downward the results include shortages, queues, waste, deterioration of product quality, and corruption. You’ll also often find literal violence erupting as desperate buyers struggle against each other to grab the relatively few units of the price-controlled goods that are available.

-Don Boudreaux

just for an instant.....................


Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?


Never crossed my mind.................


I wonder what Earth will be like 88 million years from now.

-Elon Musk

the world......................

Man was made for joy and woe,
And when this we rightly know
Through the world we safely go.
Joy and woe are woven fine,
A clothing for the soul divine.

thanks Rob



The way to do really big things seems to be to start with decep­tively small things.

-Paul Graham, as quoted here

be warned...........................

. . . if a new type of technological product is being pushed by government in order to meet national policy targets, that means that it has not been through the filter of large numbers of people freely deciding to buy it and telling their family and friends that it benefited them as individuals.

-from this Samizdata post