Friday, August 24, 2012

Opening paragraphs...............

"That month of June swan into the Two Medicine country.  In my life until then I had never seen the sidehills come so green, the coulees stay so spongy with runoff.  A right amount of wet evidently could sweeten the universe.  Already m father on his first high patrols has encountered cow elk drifting up and across the Continental Divide to their calving grounds on the west side.  They, and the grass and the wild hay meadows and the benchland alfalfa, all were a good three weeks ahead of the season.  Which of course accounted for the fresh mood everywhere across the Two.  As is always said, spring rain in range country is as if halves of ten-dollar bills are being handed around, with the other halves promised at shipping time.  And so in the English Creek sheepmen, what few cowmen were left along Noon Creek and elsewhere, the out-east farmers, the storekeepers of Gros Ventre, our forest service people, in just everyone that start of June, hope was up and would stay strong as long as the grass did."
Ivan Doig, English Creek

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