Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Steve Jobs vs. Sam Walton..................

Fortune Magazine has the story, interviewing the biographers of each.  It is a worthwhile reading of the differences and similarities of two men who wrought significant changes on the old U. S. of A.  Full article is here.  Excerpt is here:

Steve was focusing on an elite group of people who appreciated the art of his business talent. In so doing, he focused on the product, and he created a product that had margins that were as insanely great as the insanely great products. Sam was the exact opposite. He focused on being able to open a store in five days, and if the margins got above anything that was infinitesimal, he was angry. He was a businessman who had to keep margins down because he was all about volume. He wanted a clean store, but he wouldn't spend a penny on design. For years they did their own ads with clip-art books. Steve would design a new font to have an ad.

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