Friday, December 12, 2014


      The movement of grace toward gratitude brings us from the package of self-absorbed madness to spiritual awakening.  Gratitude is peace.  Maybe you won't always get from being a brat to noticing that it is an e. e. cummings morning out the window.  But some days you will.  You will go from being a Doug or Wendy Whiner, with your psychic diverticulitis, able to eat only macaroni and cheese, to remembering "i thank You God for most this amazing / day."  You splurge on a pint basket of figs, or a pair of great socks.  You begin to feel friendship with your flowering pear tree, an interspecies oneness with it, although we usually keep these thoughts to ourselves, lest they be used against us at the commitment hearings.  In fact, your are able to use the word "wonder" again, even feel it, without despair that the New York literati or your atheist friends will find out and send you into exile.
-Anne Lamott,  Help Thanks Wow:  The Three Essential Prayers

thanks David