Saturday, June 8, 2024

cotton candy.......................


     I was sitting at my desk drinking my third cup of coffee of the morning.  I was doing this guilt-free, having read that two to five cups a day not only prevented a long list of diseases, but also helped you live a longer, if more caffeinated, life.  But then you can always find somewhere on the Internet that tells you what you want to hear, about almost anything.

-Mike Lupica's opening paragraph

 One can only handle so many philosophical-type readings before the brain rebels and wants something lighter and easier.  I've read all of Robert B. Parker's books—my very definition of lighter and easier.  Parker's estate has been using pinch-writers for quite a while now.  Apparently, the character of Spenser (and his sidekicks) is too good to let go.  Anyway, Lupica is roughly my age.  I almost always have enjoyed reading his sports writing.  Good pick by the Estate of Robert B. Parker.  Consider this one recommended.

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