Monday, July 16, 2012

Faith and Reason..................

"Next to romantic love, religion is the area of human life where reason is most easily swept away.  Against faith, reason has little chance with the great majority.  This is clear enough from the most general statistics.  Millions of Christians believe in the Trinity; millions of Moslems deny it. They cannot both be right; reason has failed in one case or the other.  The Zoroastrians believe that the world is governed by two deities - one good, one bad.  Buddha and Confucius manage to dispense with the idea of a personal god altogether, the one accepting an all-embracing deity into which we are at last absorbed, the other dispensing with theology almost wholly and substituting a manual of human conduct.  Now truth is a consistent whole.  And if it is reason that gives us truth, it can hardly have been reason that tells us that God is one and two and three, that he is a person and not a person, that he is both good and bad."

-Brand Blandshard,  Four Reasonable Men

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