Wednesday, July 18, 2012


     "The people you meet regularly - friends and relatives, workmates who bug you, people who are particularly awkward to deal with - let them be your teachers.  When they make you uncomfortable and drive you crazy, use that as a test of your composure and strength.  Step back and watch; don't react.  Bit by bit you'll see how, perhaps, you've let others exert control over you in the past because they knew they could trigger your negative reaction.  When you don't react, you are free; you'll get a clearer perception of how best to handle interpersonal situations."
     "Become a silent observer of life and a compassionate observer of yourself.  You are not your emotions or your body or your personality and its ego.  These are only parts of what you are.  In fact, you're a divine energy that is evolving, operating through the complexities of body, mind, and emotions to comprehend itself as a spiritual angel, an eternal spirit that is growing and learning, poised in infinity and currently doing 'human being.'"

-Stuart Wilde,   Infinite Self

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