Thursday, September 20, 2012

I thrash, how about you.................

Jonathan Fields suggests that "failure is only a failure when it doesn't move you forward."  He also suggests that we cut ourselves some slack if we are not perfect from the get-go.  Full post is here.  Excerpts here:

"So, here’s the interesting thing about the early days of any visionary journey, there’s a whole lot of thrashing that goes on.
"It needs to go on. But most visionaries don’t talk about that “dark” time. Because it’s not sexy. It doesn’t feel good or look good to others. Nor do the great creators tend to get any public attention until after the thrash yields a clear enough vision for them to become unwavering pulled toward a quest. The spotlight loves heroes and legends, not WTFs…"
"At some point in your journey, you’ve got to create a specific vision to hold in your mind and give you the intention and purpose, something for the Universe to respond to. But you also need to allow yourself the time to do a lot of tinkering, trying, experimenting and messing up in order to even get a sense of what the elements of a vision that is strong enough to fuel unwavering daily action are. And, here’s the scary part, that process can last for years."

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