Thursday, January 24, 2013

On ideologues..............

     "At the very best there are two major problems with ideology.  The first is that it does not represent or conform to or even address reality.  It is a straight-edge ruler in a fractal universe.  And the second is that it inspires in its believers the notion that the fault here lies with miscreant fact, which should therefore be conformed to the requirements of theory by all means necessary.  To the ideologue this would amount to putting the world right, ridding it of ambiguity and of those tedious and endless moral and ethical questions that dog us through life, and that those around us so rarely answer to our satisfaction.  Anger and self-righteousness combined with cynicism about the world as he or she sees it are the marks of the ideologue.  There is always an element of nostalgia, too, because the ideologue is confident that he or she is moved by a special loyalty to a natural order, or to a good and normative past, which others defy or betray."
-Marilynne Robinson, When I Was A Child I Read Books:  Essays

Love the line, "It is a straight-edge ruler in a fractal universe." Been reading Robinson's essays on my Kindle lately.  She can turn a phrase better than most writers.  You may expect to read more of her here in the coming days.

My apologies for not citing the cartoon artist.  I've seen his/her work in various places through the Intertunnel, but can't seem to find the name.  Any help would be appreciated.


  1. Steve,

    This sounds like many of the essays written by ideologues who don't acknowledge that they too are ideologues.


  2. Michael,
    While reading Marilynne's stuff one quickly becomes aware that an ideology is lurking. Having said that, she sure can string words together in an interesting fashion. Thanks for commenting. Hope all is well.
