Sunday, August 25, 2013

On theories.......................

The latest Economist has an article about "dark energy."  The following is excerpted from said article:

"Probably this theory is wrong.  As Cliff Burgess of Perimeter Institute, a Canadian theoretical-physics centre, puts it, 'The dark energy business very easily degenerates into something like a crowd of people who are each claiming to be Napoleon while asserting that all the other pretenders are clearly nutty.'  But theories last only as long as they do not conflict with the data, and when new experiments have finished there will be a lot more date for them to conflict with, and thus reveal who the real Napoleon actually is.  Perhaps, therefore, the last word should go to Niels Bohr, one of the founders of quantum theory.  He once said to a colleague, Wolfgang Pauli, 'We are all agreed that your theory is crazy.  The question that divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct.' "

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