Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fifty years ago.............................

Time Magazine cover story -here

“America’s health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.”
“I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.”
“In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.”
“Our job is only to hold up the mirror – to tell and show the public what has happened.”
“Putting it as strongly as I can, the failure to give free airtime for our political campaigns endangers our democracy.”
“Television [is] a high-impact medium. It does some things no other force can do-transmitting electronic pictures through the air. Still, as an explored, comprehensive medium, it is not a
substitute for print.”
“The battle for the airwaves cannot be limited to only those who have the bank accounts to pay for the battle and win it.”
“The first priority of humankind in this era is to establish an effective system of world law that will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world.”
“There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free, or you are not free.”
“This opens the door on another chapter of history.”
“We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders.”
“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.”
“Objective journalism and an opinion column are about as similar as the Bible and a Playboy magazine.”
“I think it is absolutely essential in a democracy to have competition in the media, a lot of competition, and we seem to be moving away from that.”
"And that's the way it is."

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