Monday, October 10, 2016

Train yourself........................

Guard your speech.  Never speak of yourself, your affairs, or anything else in a discouraged or discouraging way.  Never admit the possibility of failure, or speak in a way that infers failure as a possibility.  Never speak of the times as being hard, or of business conditions being doubtful.  Times may be hard and business doubtful for those who are on the competitive plane, but they can never be so for you;  you can create what you want, and your are above fear.  When others are having hard times and poor business, you will find your greatest opportunities.

Train yourself to think of and to look upon the world as a something which is Becoming, which is growing; and to regard seeming evil as being only that which is undeveloped.  Always speak in terms of advancement;  to do otherwise is to deny your faith, and to deny your faith is to lose it.  Never allow yourself to feel disappointed.  You may expect a certain thing at a certain time, and not get it at that time;  and this will appear to you like failure.  But if you hold to your faith you will find that the failure is only apparent.  Go on in the certain way, and if you do not receive that thing, you will receive something so much better that you will see that the seeming failure was really a great success.

-Wallace D. Wattles,  The Science of Getting Rich

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