Monday, April 22, 2019


     Today's world is characterized by a ferocious competition for "moral authority".  The attraction is the innate vanity and perceived power of domination and control over others.  This competition applies to whole countries, political and philosophical systems, and entire cultures, all of which claim moral superiority and, therefore, justification for all actions.  Victimology is the sly back door by which a "make wrong" becomes a manipulative level of moral blackmail and extortion.
     In today's media-driven society, even the most extreme behaviors, as well as bizarre, delusional declarations, are given equal rank with truth.  By this device, alleged rights and claims ensue that have the added value of being "righteous" and "superior", by which anything and everything can be justified or excused, or at least public opinion solicited for sympathy.  The world now worships not Divinity but the ego and thus caters to aggrandized narcissistic rhetoric and blatant falsity of even a psychotic degree. . . .Society is now the arena for competition of self-proclaimed, aggrandized moral "rights" that are actually merely selfish egocentricity for gain.

-David R. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man