Tuesday, December 24, 2019

He recommends keeping score......

     One thing I find helpful is growing old.  It's a slow process, but totally worth it compared to dying.  Oldsters such as myself have vastly more experience than the young at being simultaneously wrong and also surprised about it.  In time, we come to understand how easy it is to be confident in our opinions and yet spectacularly wrong.  Or at least we do if we have been keeping score.  And that's exactly what I recommend doing.  Make a mental note every time you find yourself being wrong about something you thought you couldn't possibly be wrong about.  Focusing on your track record can prime you to understand that there can be lots of different explanations for a set of facts, and you can't always think of them all

-Scott Adams,  Loserthink:  How Untrained Brains Are Ruining America

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