Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Story telling time......................

What if..............?   What if the Great Recession ate your lunch?
What if you hadn't made any glaringly silly mistakes and it still
ate your lunch?  What is one to do?   Walt Sutton has an answer:

"This is the “in-between” time.  It is between one great adventure and another.  It’s when you have a chance to make sense out of all that you learned during the great overheating, the crash, the firefighting, the saving of the enterprise, and the righting of the new normal business. This is a time to identify all of those lessons learned, all of those mistakes you made, all of those really smart things you all did.  How do you do this?  One way is to tell stories about the crash and what you learned, and to encourage others to do the same."

thanks Steve

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