Sunday, December 18, 2011


"A just thinker will allow full swing to his scepticism.  I dip
my in the  blackest ink, because I am not afraid to fall into
my ink pot." 

"Men as naturally make a state, or a church, as caterpillars
a web."

"We are born believing.  A man bears belief, as a tree bears

"God builds his temple in the heart on ruins of churches and

"In all ages, souls out of time, extraordinary, prophetic, are
born, who are rather related to the system of the world, than
to their particular age and locality.  These announce absolute
truths, which, with whatever reverence received, are speedily
dragged down into savage interpretation."

"The fatal trait is the divorce between religion and morality."

"Heaven deals with us on no representative system.  Souls
are not saved in bundles.  The Spirit saith to the man, 'How
is it with thee?  thee personally? is it well?  is it ill?"

"The cure for false theology is motherwit.  Forget your books
and traditions, and obey your moral perceptions at this hour."

"Every man takes care that his neighbor shall not cheat him.
But a day comes when he begins to care that he do not cheat
is neighbor."

"The superiority that has no superior; the redeemer and
instructor of souls, as it is their primal essence, is love."

-all quotes are excerpted from Ralph Waldo Emerson's
essay Worship.

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