Thursday, March 21, 2013

Virtual differences..................

Victor David Hanson notices, among other things, that libraries are not always about books.  Essay here.  Excerpt here:
"Better yet, the fact that it says “library” and not “student union” or “arcade” or “playhouse” makes it even more desirable. Today’s virtual student goes to a virtual library and does virtual research. That way you can be successful in that you are in “college” and you say you are “at the library” as you entertain yourself. Who cares whether someone knows the difference between the Parthenon and Pantheon or that e.g. is not quite i.e.? Get over it.
"The popular culture changed the library; the library did not change the popular culture."
Since this blog is public service oriented....................
The Parthenon, the pride of ancient Athens

Atop the Acropolis, the Parthenon dates to 438 B.C.

Pantheon, Rome.  Built in 126 AD.  Still in use today

The Pantheon's exposure to the outside was purposeful.



The abbreviation e.g. is used to provide an example:


The buffet provided excellent variety, e.g., vegetarian and non-vegetarian soups, Italian and French breads and numerous sweets.
(e.g. = for example)


The abbreviation i.e. is used to restate an idea more clearly or offer more information.
It happened in August; i.e. two months ago.
(i.e. = in other words)

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