Monday, March 18, 2013


"Perhaps before people start learning, they need to unlearn things they believe, that just ain’t so."
-Scott Sumner from here

"Drink decent tea and coffee.  Do the simple pleasures properly."
-Nicholas Bate from here

"The 'fierce urgency of now' has replaced the orderly review of decisions.  This is a trend to resist."
-Kurt Harden from here

"The crafting of a handwritten word can possess a deliberation which is missing when that same word is spoken or typed."
-Michael Wade from here

"I want to risk hitting my head on the ceiling of my talent."
-Quentin Tarantino from here

"You want to learn the thing, you have to do the thing. The only mistake is in not doing."
-Jeff Kopito from here

"You will be the same person in five years that you are today except for the books you read and the people you associate with."
-Ray Visotski from here

"Everybody boogie"
-Doug Fine from here

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