Tuesday, July 2, 2024

For a stock market guy...................


...........he has a pretty good sense of the real estate market:

We won’t be in this situation forever because something unexpected always happens eventually, but for now, we’re in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t housing market.

If anyone tells you low interest rates help buyers, ignore them.  Low interest rates help sellers - because low rates enable a buyer to pay a higher price while maintaining a lower monthly payment.  Much of the "affordability" crisis in housing has been brought on by over a decade of ridiculously low interest rates.  In real estate, low interest rates are inflationary.

You didn't ask, but I'll tell you anyway: any interest rates for borrowers that do not allow financial institutions to pay an interest rate to savers that exceeds the rate of inflation is too low.

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