Thursday, October 17, 2024

When your legacy is obscurity.........


     The final factor, of course, is that Cleveland's conception of the role of the federal government—and, for that matter, the presidency—now seems so antiquated as to be unrecognizable to the average American.  Indeed, there have been few presidents in American history so preoccupied with the notion that the government should show no special favor to any one group over another.

-Troy Senik, A Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland

wild, nourishing nature..................


     If a plant is left too long in its grow-bag, its roots reaching the plastic will turn round and round and round, and finding no outlet into wild, nourishing nature, will, having nowhere else to go, re-enter the exhausted sour soil and, thriving till now, the plane, root and branch will begin to sicken.

     It would be foolish to suggest that Hebrew prophecy, Greek philosophy and science, Roman engineering and law are an exhausted sour soil, but it mightn't be at all foolish to suggest that they lack certain kinds of cultural nourishment that we now need.

-John Moriarty, Dreamtime

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Ah, science.......................

 The lesson, therefore, of the Covid pandemic is that the risk of a natural outbreak going global is probably much smaller than the risk of a lab-leak outbreak going global. And here is the greatest irony of all. If Covid began with a lab leak, it was not just caused by virology research: it was caused by virology research that was specifically intended to predict and prevent pandemics. Even if this time it was just a horrible coincidence, they were looking for a gas leak with a lighted match, as one scientist put it.

-Matt Ridley, from here



We’re not stuck in traffic, we are traffic

-Seth Godin, from this post



In a democracy it is idle to praise the virtues of a statesman who can't persuade the public.  But we should not judge him entirely by that failure, either.  The voters turned against him, after all, for standing firm on the same beliefs he held when they elected him—sound money, freer trade, and limited government interference in the economy.  In some sense it was a testimony to his integrity: even at a moment of maximum political peril, Grover Cleveland's principles were not open for bidding.

-Troy Senik, A Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


High-hope people take every experience they have as a learning experience—no matter the experience.   Everything happens for them, not to them.  They utilize every experience to improve how they live and approach life.

-Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy, 10x Is Easier Than 2x

File under "good questions"................


   more fun here

Walking with joy..................


......................through the valley of the shadow. . .

One more thing he got right......................


The failure of Western governments to achieve their proclaimed objectives has produced a widespread reaction against big government. . . . The reaction may prove short-lived and be followed, after a brief interval, by a resumption of the trend toward ever bigger government.  The widespread enthusiasm for reducing government taxes and other impositions is not matched by a comparable enthusiasm for eliminating government programs—except programs that benefit other people.

-Milton & Rose Friedman, Free To Choose



     How can I, hearing the sermon on the mount, not be earthquaked, mindquaked, lifequaked—hearing it, how can I not be quaked in depths below life and mind I had hitherto no inklings of?

-John Moriarty, Dreamtime



Carpe Diem (seize the day) is best instantiated when one recognizes the ephemeral and finite nature of our existence.

-Gad Saad

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I fell off the top....................


...............................of one of these things in third grade at Merion Elementary School.  Landed on my head.  Might explain a lot.


As investment advice goes................... would be hard to improve on this list.   A wee sample:

To reap the biggest rewards you must be able to take the painful hits and keep moving forward. Which is why the ultimate superpower in investing is being good at suffering.