Saturday, November 23, 2024

I like how he thinks...................

 If Donald Trump creates the position, I volunteer to be Secretary of Feeding People to Komodo Dragons. The first round of tossings into the lizard-pit will involve “experts” who still use grossly snobbish terms like “fringe” and “contrarian” to describe beliefs held by most of the population . . .

-Matt Taibbi, from here

kind and worthy wisdom..................


     The kind and worthy wisdom we need involves learning to embrace the truth that we will never master ourselves, our lives, or our worlds, though we can learn to view the concept of mastery as what it is: a toxic fantasy that clashes with the reality of our minds and our nature.

     We don't need perfection, and we don't need to land upon one final, objective truth.

     We need to respect our own unique struggles and our own subjective truths, acknowledging that they will grow and change like the living natural things they are.

-Jarod K. Anderson, Something In The Woods Loves You

Monday, November 18, 2024

Now he tells us....................


People think we live in a world of politics, society, norms, and news.  But none of it is real.  They're just interpersonal drama.  They're the noisy waste product of unhealthy minds.

-Derek Sivers

the ultimate freedom..............?


I do not think that a wise man can possibly be free from every perturbation of the mind.

-Marcus Tullius Cicero

Sunday, November 17, 2024



The world doesn’t need another hard-nosed profession. It needs one that acquires clout through competence and caring.

-Michael Wade, from here

It's a low bar, but I'd tune in.............


Predict that the DOGE weekly live streams listing all the things they are cutting from the federal budget will garner larger rating than any of the news shows on TV.

-Chris Lynch, from here

You can, but it won't.................


........................Frustration is bargaining with reality, hoping it will change.

-Farnum Street

Arnold Kling's.................................

........................................recurring daydream: 

By undertaking a wholesale re-org, you can change the default status of a unit from “keep doing what you did last year” to “justify your continued existence.”

If you haven't checked out..................


.....................The Free Press.  Well, you ought to.

Worth remembering......................

We are the gatekeepers of our own meaning,

Humans need help, yet too many of us have accepted the idea that it's a person failing to seek it.

You can't think your way out of depression any more than you can think your way out of drowning. 

Seeking and accepting help is a skill, and it's a skill that we are not taught to value.  In fact we are taught to shun it.

I will have gained more in the looking than I lost through not finding.

-Jarod K. Anderson, a few wee excerpts from Something In The Woods Loves You