Thursday, January 16, 2025

Judging by the weather forecast................


..........we should have stayed another week.

Fifty years ago.............................

On the TV....The Jeffersons begins an 11 year run




Money:  It's your measure not your motivation. Money as a motivator is not sustainable.  Do what you love; love what you do.  Find the intrinsic worth in anything that you do.

-Nicholas Bate, Morph!

logical consequences...........


     Is the idea of man as an image of God not utterly preposterous?  How could flawed man, even the lowliest man or woman, possess a direct relationship to the divine? . . . But in the absence of that divine proposition, where would we be? . . . How could we possible manage without the tradition of inalienable rights and intrinsic individual responsibility that is the logical consequence of that axiomatic proclamation of our sacred worth?

-Jordan B. Peterson, We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine



There's no such thing as a sweet deal without a clear path to significant growth.

-Brad Jacobs, How to Make a Few Billion Dollars

On baking a bigger pie.................


      To allow scarce and valuable skills a free hand is to risk having such skills become so highly rewarded as to provoke envy—a powerful and dangerous political force.

     Part of such envy is natural, but much of it is hyped by intellectuals and politicians—both of whom get more worked up about how the pie is sliced than how big a pie it is.

-Thomas Sowell, from an essay found here

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Morgan Housel........................


.............tries to make sense of our world:

But let me put it this way: As the world improves, our threshold for complaining drops.

In the absence of big problems, people shift their worries to smaller ones. In the absence of small problems, they focus on petty or even imaginary ones.

A fascinating three minutes

Changing right before your eyes: Top 10 S & P  500 Companies by Market Cap (1980-2020)


By way of an update, here is the current Top Ten:

Fifty years ago............................ the Cinema in 1975:


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


Dog Day Afternoon

The Return of the Pink Panther

Three Days of the Condor

Funny Lady

The Other Side of the Mountain


The Apple Dumpling Gang


Monday, January 13, 2025

Fifty years ago......................

Gilberto Gil & Jorge Ben – The Gil E Jorge album


But for reconciliation to take place..........


.....................................there must first be truth.

And we have front-row seats............


The revolt of the public will not necessarily usher in an authoritarian age. It does not necessarily foster populism. It is not necessarily destructive of liberal democracy. The revolt of the public, as I envision the thing, is a technology-driven churning of new people and classes, a proliferation and confusion of message and noise, utopian hopes and nihilistic rage, globalization and disintegration, taking place in the unbearable personal proximity of the web and at a fatal distance from political power. Every structure of order is threatened—yes. Nihilism at the level of whole societies, in the style of ISIS, is a possible outcome. But no particular system is favored or disadvantaged—and nothing is ordained.

-Martin Gurri, as culled from here

One take on.....................................


......................the coming confirmation hearings:

But where's the cleansing sort of justice where you call up certain senators (I'm not going to name names) and say not only will we primary you and make sure you lose your Senate seat. We'll make certain you don't get a job after you leave the Senate. And then we're going to unleash some of the toughest people in the Republican Party to take a really close look at you. We're going to do to you what you plan to do to our nominees.

-Tucker Carlson

On eating the rich.....................

  Effective anti-poverty strategies should focus on fostering self-sufficiency rather than perpetuating dependency.

-from the Mises Institute


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Can I get an Amen.....................?


As always, the censors claimed that they needed sweeping powers to make the world better, safer and more truthful. And as censors always do, they proved themselves unworthy of those powers, which they deployed not just against ideas that were false but against politically inconvenient truths. In the process, they demonstrated why no one, of any ideological stripe, should be trusted with that kind of authority.

-Megan McCardle, from here


Crack my head up.................


ITEM 4: The New York Post tweeted, “Billy Joel and Rod Stewart to play Yankee Stadium in July.”

Really? Those two rockers are so old, they should be in the Senate, not on tour.
