Thursday, March 22, 2012

Modern myths..................

"Nearly every generation since the Renaissance has touted itself as 'modern,' as 'the new age,' as having arrived at the moment of enlightenment when the quaint superstitions and myths of the past are finally being swept into the dustbin of history.  As is the case in every society, the myths and rites that form our minds, emotions, and actions remain largely invisible and unconscious.  One of the best ways to discover the living myth of any society is to examine what everyone accepts uncritically as the way things really are.  We, for instance, assume that progress, urbanization, and technological innovation are inevitable, and that it is the destiny of the underdeveloped nations to evolve into developed nations.  The consensus reality is the myth, but it remains as invisible to the majority as water is to a fish."
-Sam Keen, Fire in the Belly: On Being A Man

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