Saturday, August 3, 2013


"Nations fail, Augustine argued, because peoples fail, and peoples fail because they love the wrong things. A people defines itself by what it loves, and false love produces a frail and fragile nation. America's exceptional history as the only nation in the world with two centuries of political continuity stems from its people's love for individual rights, which they hold to be inalienable because they are granted by a power that no human agency dare oppose. 

"Americans selected themselves out from among the nations of the world to enter into the political covenant that is the American constitutional state. It succeeded because it is "a country with the soul of a church," as G.K. Chesterton observed. Individualism founded on God-given rights has triumphed over the alternative-the collectivist premise for the state in its various manifestations: Rousseau's "will of the people", for example, or Marx's proletarian dictatorship, or the blood-and-soil nationalism that led Europe and Japan into the world wars of the twentieth century. The only form of collectivism still embraced by a large part of the world's population is integralist Islam, which dominates most Muslim-majority countries."

-David Goldman, as excerpted from here

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