Monday, May 27, 2024

Highly recommended..................


You can make someone's day better and your own day better with the same act of kindness and generosity.  And you don't need to be rich or flush with cash to do it.

Being curious and being a good listener are a big part of how to effectively utilize your relationships . . . it's only when you learn to soak up what those people tell you—not just let it go in one ear, out the other—that you truly begin to make yourself useful to others and become a resource yourself.

Curiosity.  Hunger for information. Being open-minded.  Putting your knowledge to good use.  This, it turns out, is a formula for anyone to create real, meaningful change . . .

None of us has ever done anything on our own when you really think about it.  We have always had help or guidance.  Others have paved or pointed the way for us . . .

. . . it's important for you to recognize that you have a responsibility to give back. To help others.  To send the ladder back down and lift the next group up.  To pay it forward. To be useful.

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