Saturday, February 11, 2012

About burdens......................

      "My forebear, Green-Eyed Devil, was asked the same
question by the Great and Honorable Jin-qua when he was
beset by his enemies, Tyler Brock and his scum, and he just
laughed and said, 'Neng che to lao' - an able man has many
burdens.  As I am abler than most I have to sweat more
than most."   
     Tip Tok-toh smiled with him.  "And are you sweating,
Mr. Dunross?"
     "Well, let me put it this way," Dunross told him cheerfully,
I'm trying to avoid the eighty-fourth.  As you know, Buddha
said that all men have eighty-three burdens.  If we succeed
in eliminating one we automatically acquire another.  The
secret of life is to adjust to the eighty-three and avoid at
all costs acquiring the eighty-fourth."
     The old man smiled.  "Have you considered selling
part of your company, perhaps even 51 percent?"
     "No, Mr. Tip.   Old Green Eyed-Devil forbade that."
The lines around Dunross's eyes crinkled.  "He wanted
us to sweat."
     "Let us hope you don't have to sweat too much.  Yes."

-as excerpted from James Clavell's Noble House

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