Friday, February 24, 2012

Not everyone loved Emerson.............

Algernon Charles Swinburne by William Bell Scott
Faithful readers will understand this blogger's fascination with
Ralph Waldo Emerson.  It was with great interest that I read
this passage in Brand Blanshard's book Four Reasonable Men:

"It came to the notice of Swinburne that Emerson has said
something critical of him in an American paper.....The angry
poet sat down and wrote the philosopher a letter describing
him as a 'gap-toothed and hoary-headed ape, carried at
first into notice on the shoulder of Carlyle, and who now in
his dotage spits and chatters from a dirtier perch in his own 
finding and fouling:  coryphaeus or choragus of his Bulgarian
tribe of autocophagous baboons, who make the filth they
feed on'...."

Besides sending me to the dictionary to look up a few words,
this passage led me to the Oracle That Is Wikipedia to learn
more about Swinburne.  You can read it yourself here, or just
take comfort in this quote:

However, (T.S) Eliot disliked Swinburne's prose. About this 
he wrote "the tumultuous outcry of adjectives, the 
headstrong rush of undisciplined sentences, are the index to 
the impatience and perhaps laziness of a disorderly mind."

And we think what passes for our current political conversation
is too harsh and personal.  It has ever been thus.

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