Monday, November 12, 2012

From the Department of Timing is Everything....... or, Who didn't see this coming?..................

WRM delivers the new about our government and General Motors.  It ain't pretty.  Full post is here.  Excerpt here:

To some the GM bail-out seems like the distant past, especially since President Obama recently hailed it as a success in Midwestern swing states. But now that the election is out of the way, its true cost to the taxpayers – billions – is about to become very clear.
The government still owns 32% of the auto company, and stands to lose a good amount when selling its share. Right now GM shares are trading at less than half the price the government needs to break even, and if all the shares were sold at this price, it would only bring in about $14.1 billion, meaning that the taxpayers stand to lose about $15 billion on their “investment”.
Now that the election is over the government will likely sell the stocks at a loss.

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