Sunday, February 21, 2021

Checking in..............................

 .....................................with Will Rogers (1879-1935):

"It's pitiful when you think how ignorant the founders of our Constitution must have been.  Just think what a Country we would have if men in those days had the Brains and forethought of our men today!"

"We shouldn't elect a President;  we should elect a magician."

"Washington, D.C. Papers say, 'Congress is deadlocked and can't act.'  I think that is the greatest blessing that could befall this Country."

"If all politicians fished instead of spoke publicly, we would be at peace with the world."

"Lord, the money we do spend of Government and it's not one bit better than the government we got for one third the money twenty years ago."

"Things in our country run in spite of government.  Not by aid of it."

"You know, Congressmen are the nicest fellows in the world to meet.  I sometimes really wonder if they realize the harm they do."

"Elect 'em for a six-year term; not allow 'em to succeed themselves.  that would keep their mind off politics."

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