Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Old School...........................

Duke Long has a great post up, titled "10 Ways Old School
Commercial Real Estate Is Still Kicking Ass."

Here is his #1 just to give you a flavor:

1. I get my butt up and moving- First of all commercial real
estate does not happen sitting at the desk. It happens in the
field. A successful pro must be in the field every day, yes
every day.

When I first started selling real estate, I quickly learned that the
most difficult task of the day was opening my car door.  It was
so easy to drive around and look at property. So easy to drive
across town to see a prospect (or a suspect) and then neglect to
get out of the car to actually talk with said prospect. So easy to
rationalize that the "time was not right,"  that I should come back

Once the fear was overcome and I learned how to just get out
of the car (or get out of the office) and engage with people, my
sales business improved a bunch.

If you are in sales, and who isn't, following Duke's "10 Ways"
(17 hours?) is the tried and true path to success.  You can
tweet that.

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