Saturday, June 28, 2014

It's not that I don't believe him.........................

"At twelve-thirty the doors were opened, and a long line passed by who wished merely to shake hands with the President.  On one occasion I shook hands with nineteen hundred in thirty-four minutes, which is probably my record.  Instead of a burden, it was a pleasure and a relief to meet people in that way and listen to their greeting, which was often a benediction."
-as excerpted from Cultural Offering's excerpt from Calvin Coolidge's autobiography

Reading the entire excerpt, one wishes politicians these days had some of Coolidge's discipline and habits, and that they regularly took time to actually greet the people.  

Not to be nit-picky, but there are 2,040 seconds in thirty-four minutes which means, on his record setting day, he was shaking a new hand every 1.07 seconds.  If he had said "high five" or "fist bump" instead of "shook hands," it might be more believable.

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