Tuesday, December 8, 2015

On tolerable levels of terrorism.................

"Like his French counterpart Francois Hollande, Obama thinks that a certain level of terrorism is tolerable, and far preferable to the bloody and difficult work of rooting out jihadist terrorism entirely. There is something to be said for the notion of a tolerable level of terrorism, but neither Obama nor Hollande are likely to achieve this as matters stand."
-Spengler, as excerpted from here.

I was going to make some comment about the strangeness of the current times, but then the history major in me reminded that people have always been strange, and times have usually been difficult and dangerous.  Lest you doubt me, enjoy this photo of grade school children in the 1950s (of which I was one) doing the "duck and cover" drill, or seeking shelter from a nuclear blast by getting under our desks.  (To be fair, the adults were probably trying to protect us from flying shards of glass, not the bomb itself).

Or, if you would prefer, watch this Lyndon Johnson attack ad against Barry Goldwater from the 1964 presidential campaign.  Terror indeed.

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