Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Why enabling How...............................

      I remember two cases of would-be suicide, which bore a striking similarity to each other.  Both men had talked of their intention to commit suicide.  Both used the typical argument—they had nothing more to expect from life.  In both cases, it was a question of getting them to realize that life was still expecting something from them; something in the future was expected of them.  We found, in fact, that for the one it was his child whom he adored and who was waiting for him in a foreign country.  For the other it was a thing, not a person.  This man was a scientist and had written a series of books which still needed to be finished.  His work could not be done by anyone else, anymore that another person could ever take the place of the father in the child's affections.

      This uniqueness and singleness which distinguishes each individual and gives a meaning to his existence has a bearing on creative work as much as it does on human love.  When the impossibility of replacing a person is realized, it allows the responsibility which a man has for his existence and its continuance to appear in all its magnitude.  A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life,  He knows the "why" for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any  "how."

-Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search For Meaning

thanks Michael

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